Looking for : IBM 5110 Serial IO adapter software

From: Stan Sieler <sieler_at_allegro.com>
Date: Sat Oct 13 13:15:57 2001

> Are the 5110's of any collector value (not that I would ever part with
> mine, but I am curious if it is just me that wants to keep it, or if it

The ones with APL seem to be harder to find than the ones with

(I'm looking for a working APL model of 5100, 5110, or 5120 ...
can trade BASIC model of 5110 or 5120)

Stan Sieler sieler_at_allegro.com
www.allegro.com/sieler/wanted/index.html www.allegro.com/sieler
Received on Sat Oct 13 2001 - 13:15:57 BST

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