CD-ROM on RT-11?

From: Zane H. Healy <>
Date: Mon Mar 18 16:18:40 2002

> Why would you be using ISO? My plan was just to dd copy (with unix
> cdrecord) a bootable RT-11 SCSI disk to the CD. Assuming that if I had a
> bootable RT-11 SCSI disk as /dev/rz4c on a unix machine, with cdrecord, I
> would just do this:
> dd if=/dev/rz4c ibs=64k obs=64k | cdrecord -dev 3,5,0 -speed=2 -
> Will this work?

Basically this is what I've done. Though I think I had the block size
seriously cranked down (no idea if that matters). I first went to an image
file, and then I FTP'd it to my Mac and burned it to CD-R (I didn't have a
CD-R attached at the time).

> This week, I'm going to hook up my remaining RX02 drive to a VMS machine
> and copy the data off the RX02's. At that point, all I should need is an
> image of v5.03 of RT-11 with my program, which I can then burn to a CD.

Stuff your RX02 images in an RL02 image using PUTR.COM, then you just need
to get the RL02 image onto your RT-11 system (I have TCP/IP working on my
PDP-11/73 so I just FTP it).

Received on Mon Mar 18 2002 - 16:18:40 GMT

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