QL (was: ZX-81 Question)

From: Hans Franke <Hans.Franke_at_mch20.sbs.de>
Date: Mon Mar 25 13:08:47 2002

> > Well, Sinclair sold it and called it QL.

> > A 68008, running at 8 (?) MHz, (almost) Real Keyboard (at least as
> > good as most PC keyboards in the $10 range), Reak Memory (128K, as
> > much as the first Mac, but expandable to 640 or 900) and two tape
> > drives with ~100K each.

> > Furthermore: Serial Interface, Joystick Ports and a full figured
> > Network. As cream ontop of the cake a complete application suite
> > with Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Database and Business Graphics.

> > And all together at about 900 Mark (back than ~250 GBP). Lower
> > than all other comparable systems (in fact even lower than the
> > C64 in some shops)

> First I live in CANADA so we get more US stuff than from the UK in
> computers.

AFAIK there are still copyright issues for the ROMs in the US and CA.
While Amstrad allows the distribution of ROM images for emulators/new
machines, it is restricted to Europe, since there are still valid deals
with some US companies holding the QL rights in North america.

> This and that is still was a BASIC machine with no real disks.

Come on, first of all, a basic like the QL Super Sasic is quite
different from everything else you know ... QDOS is a multitasking
OS, and the Basic incooperates all features to use the windowing
and taskingsystem from within. it is jut not comperable to all the
MS-Basic crap found on 90% of all old homecomputers.

And second, yes, no disks, but for what ? the microdrives where (in
the 1983 timeframe) quite comperable to any SOHO System - 100k per
media and an access time comperable to most small systems, including
the Apple (of course quite faster than unmodigfied C64s :).

And adding a disc controler wasn't that expansive (720K 3.5"), if
your need did ourtgrow the microdrives.

> I found out that it cost APPLE $100 ??? to make the $500 ??? floppy
> system for their computer reading the history of the apple from a web
> site.

That's called best bussines practice :))


VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen
Received on Mon Mar 25 2002 - 13:08:47 GMT

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