> >According to my 1983 Synertek book, the SY6507 _is_ a 28-pin 65xx CPU with
> >8K addressing. The only video controllers they list are the SY6545, SY6845,
> >SY66450 and SY66550.
> Hi Jim
> This is what Eric Smith tells me as well. As I told
> him, it doesn't make much sense. The board has a 6502
> as well as the 6507 with the data lines tied together.
> I guess they could use opposite phases or something.
> I was tracing down the sync signals for the video
> and they seem to be coming from this part??
Now it would be interesting where they go. Maybe the
6507 CPU get's an interupt every line, or screen ?
> Now I have a mystery to solve?
That's all what classic computing or computing in
general is about.
VCF Europa 4.0 am 03./04. Mai 2003 in Muenchen
Received on Thu Mar 13 2003 - 03:45:00 GMT