eUROS 8WAS: Is holographic no longer vaporware? (was: Let's develop an open-source media archive standard))

From: der Mouse <mouse_at_Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
Date: Fri Aug 13 16:03:43 2004

>>> Yes, my suggestion was Franken and Pfennig, both are real coin
>>> names, both are well known in all European languages (Franken,
>>> Franc, Franks / Pfennig, Pennig, Penny...)
>> English, for that matter? There isn't much of anything left as far
>> as I can see related to "frank" as a coin name, at least not in the
>> North American dialect.
> Yeah, what about Penny?

What about it? You said "both", and "Pfennig" is no problem ("penny",
as you point out); it's "Franken" I can't see any live relative to.

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