On Sun, 22 Aug 2004, Ed Kelleher wrote:
> However, I temper my judgement and suffer the self-important prick because,
> from what I understand, he does good with the VCF.
Thanks for tempering your judgement, Ed. Because, you know, it carries a
lot of weight with all the other Complaining Old Farts, an important
> I figure he just wants to be the bad-boy on the list, using vulgar language
> and smoking in the lavatory and all.
It's nice to be young, Ed. I hope your memories are fond.
> I'll take a jab every once in awhile, as you do, in hopes he'll come around,
> and to let others know he's not representative of the whole list.
Life is for the living. Go back to your crypt.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
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Received on Sun Aug 22 2004 - 11:52:44 BST