OT: X programmer needed for XGameStation IDE

From: Hans Franke <Hans.Franke_at_siemens.com>
Date: Mon Aug 23 08:06:33 2004

Am 22 Aug 2004 23:36 meinte Vintage Computer Festival:

> Is there a competent X-Windows programmer in the house? The folks at
> XGameStation need to port their graphical IDE to a Linux environment. I
> don't have many more details but if you are interested in learning more
> then please e-mail me and I'll forward you to the appropriate party.

Uh-oh if it'S native windows right now, it will be a pure nightmare.
Especialy whany they expect to have future releases on both platforms.

The best aproach would be switching for a complete environment, that
is available on both platforms ... for example Qt. First port the App
to a QT base and then just move it over to Linux.

Qt is 100% compatible availabe forWindows, X11 and Mac (and an
embedded aproaches for embedded Linux), so moveing over would
also open the IDE to Mac Fans.

Also, maybe most important, if the actual implementation is MFC
based (I suppose so), there is an almost automated way to move
an MFC App to Qt. Ok, it's still work, nonetheless, they put in
a lot of work to make it easey. They even cover some areas of
DirectX. Most of the changes are needed to hide the more advanced
messageing functions of Qt from the Win core.

Qt is somewhere between free and non free. As long as you provide
the source of your application to the public, you may also use Qt
for free - all Libs and Docs are available. If you want to keep
the source sode for yourself, aou got to buy a licence per developer.

So if the XGS IDE is open source, its a win win. If not, the prices
are quite competive.

Take a look at their website:

A good start for these people could be the QT days in November

VCF Europa 6.0 am 30.April und 01.Mai 2005 in Muenchen
Received on Mon Aug 23 2004 - 08:06:33 BST

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