dos electronics software?

From: Thilo Schmidt <>
Date: Wed Aug 25 11:17:48 2004

> Otay, I'll ask this again now that Jay's gotten everyone's attention:
> Is there any good older software (Dos works, Linux works, but Winders is
> ok
> too, if that's all there is) for making the JEDEC files for older
> The free software from Atmel & Lattice are geared around the newer FPGAs
> that you could build a 6809 out of, and are correspondingly difficult to
> comprehend for simpler matters. All I want to do is design a couple of
> PEELs for address decoding for a couple projects on my CoCos and Model
> 200...


There was a free (or maybe shareware) version of it, so it should
be easy to find...

...found it: :-)



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