Another iPDS query

From: <(>
Date: Thu Dec 23 00:16:15 2004


Do you have any software that drives or uses the iSBX 251 bubble memory
module board?

My 1986 Intel Development systems handbook says

"The iPDS can be used as a general purpose desktop computer. The widely used
CP/M microcomputer operating system is available for the iPDS from Intel. It
supports iPDS systems with single or multiple disk drives, and iPDS systems
using bubble memory for mass storage."

Is this inherent in CP/M from Intel? Has anyone tried this? I think I have
Intel CP/M for the iPDS but don't have any bubble memory left. Nor do I have any
of the 4 way iSBX boards for the iPDSs left.

Astoria, OR
Received on Thu Dec 23 2004 - 00:16:15 GMT

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