I second that Mike (Orange County, NY).
-John Boffemmyer IV
At 01:33 PM 3/16/2004, you wrote:
>>Ok, finally got confirmation so I can make this preliminary announcement.
>>VCF East 2.0 will be held either June 25-26 or July 16-17 at Sun
>>Microsystems's Burlington, Massachusetts, campus. Note: these dates are
>>FRIDAY and SATURDAY. A break from the traditional VCF weekend but one
>>that was necessitated by matters outside my control. At any rate, you
>>take a day off work and have all day Sunday to relax.
>Excellent! Shame it isn't nearer NY, but still...
>>The event is being completely sponsored by Sun and will feature several
>>talks from Sun employees on various aspects of Sun's history. This event
>>is likely to be BIG. Possibly rivalling the main VCF in Sillycon Valley.
>Reinforce the floors, Sellam - the Corestore is coming! :-)
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Received on Tue Mar 16 2004 - 16:22:02 GMT