A possible (future) classic.

From: Doug Yowza <yowza_at_yowza.com>
Date: Tue Mar 3 10:47:02 1998

On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Gary Oliver wrote:

> The drive is very small (about the size of the smallest PostIt(R)
> pad.) HP claims it is the smallest hard drive ever made (1.3 inch)
> and they don't make them anymore. I imagine it may be the smallest
> hard disk that will ever be made, since flash is already more dense
> than this drive. At any rate they are fairly inexpensive.

The Kittyhawk is pretty small, and I don't know of any machine other than
the Dauphin DTR-1 what used it. I don't think it's the smallest though.
Does anybody remember the Syquest SQ1100? Removable hard disks about the
size of a box of matches. They produced them for OEM eval, but I don't
think they ever made it to the retail channel. I have about 100 of them.

And then there was the Maxtor type-II PCMCIA hard disk. That's right, it
was rotating media enclosed in a type-II card (not the type-III or type-IV
cards most PCMCIA hard disks use). I think they killed this drive after
making a few samples, but I saw it at COMDEX one year and was very

-- Doug
Received on Tue Mar 03 1998 - 10:47:02 GMT

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